Week 7 Reflection: Relationship Building

In week 7, I learnt how to build relationship as a marketer.

From the Reddit post , there are various opinions on Ballarat minister refusing to marry a couple because they expressed they support same sex marriage on Facebook. Some people support Ballarat minister, they think blame the couple. Some think people have rights to post whatever on their Facebook. Some blame Christians and their believes. There are some arguments between different users too.

From article ' What happened when I got my Facebook account disabled ', I discovered that most people like the writer only focus on using Facebook. When Facebook cannot be used, they found they lost almost all information since Facebook is connected with memories, messages, photos, groups, Pages & Events. It means the virtual world for him is almost end. It let me known that I cannot only rely on one social media application and put all important information in it for a long time.

According to ' Alexa, Siri, Cortana: Our virtual assistants say a lot about sexism ', it makes me learn that people think female AI assistants are more normal even if systems said robots do not have genders. And there is a big issue that users may do sexual harassment to those AIs. Among AIs, some female virtual agents are programmed to deflect the comments, others respond with sassy, flirtatious comebacks, and some seemingly capitulate if users are persistent enough. The design of AIs will have arguments with gender problems.

Based on the TED video, I learnt building relationship online is similar to our daily lives. It is necessary to have passion when we try to build relationships.

I have also learnt how to use Google Alerts by clicking Amazon & AAPL. Then they start to send me Email about all articles they found on Google. I have tried TweetDeck which is an Adobe AIR desktop application for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Buzz, Foursquare, and MySpace. Like other Twitter applications it interfaces with the Twitter API to allow users to send and receive tweets and view profiles.

From Powerpoint slides, I learnt key things to do when a marketer create content for customers:
  • Understand audience
  • Share the community
  • Be professional
  • Use various channels
  • Use audience languages
  • Focus on your best
  • Map content
  • Create buyer personas
  • Be innovative
From twitter advance search, I discovered there are two steps to search:
  1. Create relevant searches
  2. Save and review these searches
Besides, there are many research tools customers can use, including TwitterSheep, WeFollow, Klout, etc. Profile Management and Reporting Tools are also helpful for building relationship between businesses and clients, such as Hootsuite, Cotweet & TweetDeck.

When marketers build relationships with clients,  it takes time to build trust and credibility. Be willing to share, knowledge, ideas and generally contribute to communities. Don’t expect anything in return, although it may well flow anyway. 

I did Practice Test, I found most questions are based on common knowledge and forums. I got 67 out of 100 first time. And second time I got full marks.

What do you think are some of the key challenges facing marketers in the social media space? 

In my view, there are 6 following key challenges facing marketers in the social media marketing in 2017 (Peters, 2016):

1. Develop a effective social media marketing strategy:

Currently, almost all brands use social media to do marketing. It is really hard for a business to make a good plan within a shortest time-frame and low budget to achieve business primary goal.

2. Authentic connection with the audience:

Businesses do not have enough connections with their customers in a personal level. When customers need help or make comments on social media, brands do not give them feedback in time.

3. A dramatic drop on organic reach: 

Not so man users are willing to use social media because advertisements on different social media platforms are getting fewer.

4. Fail to come up with consistently good content:

This is one of the toughest social media marketing challenges to overcome. It seems to check ad manage social media platforms forever: curate, create, schedule, monitor, respond, update, and reuse content across several different social profiles.

5. Content quantity over quality:

Upload or post too many overload but not high-qualified advertisements will be annoying for customers. Customers may lose their interests and do not pay attention on what businesses post any more.

6. Be more attractive to audience:

It is hard for businesses to decide which social media should be used among multiple platforms. Besides, audios, images and other channels need to be created and managed on social media to attract more users.

Are there any 'no go zones' or do you think social media is just another marketing channel that we should exploit in the same manner that broadcast media has been? 

Similar but not identical to broadcast media, social media has more interactions with customers. In my opinion, there are some 'no go zones' for social media:

Be unprofessional

The social media for a business should be different from personal pages. Any informal, incorrect, old  information on business social media platforms may ruin business reputation and damage customers loyalty.

Be hasty

If a business just wants to earn more benefits now without thinking how to build long-term relationships with its customers, this company will close down soon in the future.

Use languages that customers cannot understand

If customers cannot understand all of information what a business try to pass online, there is no point customers trust and buy products from that company.

Cover everything

Every business has their own strengths, so do not try to pretend the firm understands every area.

Be self-promotional 

It is really bad for a business to do its own marketing without listening to customers feedback. It is the most important thing to focus on audience and understand what they need for a business. Otherwise, a business will lose customers because of customer low sanctification on its products or services.


Since people can post everything on social media, it is easy for customers to have arguments on social media. It tends to have bullying issues on social media between customers and customers or customers and companies. This issue will hurt people and firms badly which let firms lose customers easily.

Bad navigation

A bad structured social media platform for a business is disaster. Customers cannot find information they need easily which tend to get lost.

Copy other business social media

A unique social media business page will attract more potential customers to explore. On the contrary, customers will get tired of seeing similar social media information if a business just copy other businesses.


Peters, B. (2016, April 21). Solving the 10 Most Common Social Media Marketing Challenges. Retrieved from https://blog.bufferapp.com/solving-the-10-most-common-social-media-marketing-challenges


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