Week 8 Reflection: Social CRM

In week 8, I completed my online test. Most of questions are interesting and I need to discover answers by myself not only just read weekly documents. Since I only study in Australia for 2 years, some news I need to search on Google to get know about the whole thing first, then answer the question.

As for Telstra, it bans about 49000 employees from using Facebook which make me think it is strange. Currently, using social media platforms like Facebook has already been inevitable. Besides, Facebook is also growing in popularity as a business networking tool. Telstra only thinks about threatens and is afraid of using new technology like social media. Conversely, it can just use Facebook to do marketing which may attract more potential online users. A proper way to do is to train employees how to use social media properly and appropriately.

From the week 8 post, I found that social media tools and customer experience should be tied together since relationships are now seamless between the online and offline experience. Social Customer Relationship Management (SCRM) is a subset of CRM. Basically, it is about understanding the ways in which customers have taken control – and so being present in the places where they require support in order to offer it to them. The performance of SCRM can influence reputation management easily. I also learnt the key of social CRM is listening. In IBM, for instance, there is a software application that was responsible for tracking all complaints, for assigning responsibility for resolution, then tracking, and reporting resolution.

There are four essential components of SCRM:

1) A social environment,

2) customer participation mechanisms,

3) shared collective intelligence and

4) mechanisms to deal with conversational scale.

From Netflix apology article, it can be seen that netflix is streaming-only now, and Qwikster are separate services. The company separates streaming and DVD services to earn more money. Customers who previously had one account and one bill will now keep two different accounts and see two separate charges if they choose to subscribe to both services. The worse thing is Hastings made one fatal apology: Netflix customers were primarily upset because Netflix hadn't explained its changes well enough to them. Actually, customers feel unhappy about they need to pay more money. However, in my view, if Netflix can prove the separation of 2 services is worthy, then it will gain customers loyalty again and earn more benefits.

Discover what social listening is, how it works and how responding improves communication 

Social listening includes being aware of what people are saying about you on social media, and then responding appropriately. It’s half awareness and half response, especially the response part is critical. Basically, social listening comes down to good communication.

Listening is the best way to get feedback from people who use companies product or service on a regular basis, so companies can make improvements and provide a better customer experience. To build community, start conversations, deepen existing relationships, keep up with brand mentions and watch for customer service opportunities, firms have to listen.

There are following ways to respond to improve communication (Shukle, 2015):

Personalize the Fan Experience:

A simple way to take a personal approach on a daily basis is to sign off on posts and comments with company name. Another method is to literally personalize company product or service for fans.

Offer Rewards:

According to the quality of the interaction, not the quantity, a company should reward entire social media community with offers, such as unique discounts, contests and bonus or sneak previews.

Surprise Fans and Customers:

A company should send fans a surprise on special occasions, such as after their first purchase, the one-year anniversary of their first purchase, their birthday or on seasonal holidays.

Know Your Product:

When companies know their stuff, they can offer an immediate response to a query with confidence, rather than having to email other departments just to get a confirmation. Please make sure companies understand the customer‘s situation and if required, ask more questions.

Follow Up With Fans:

Follow up with fans who commented on a recent blog post, posted on companies wall or sent a message.

Cultivate Trust:

Keep promise. Dare to admit to mistakes and take action to resolve the situation.

Share Your Values:

If a company has a strong view on a particular topic or issue, it is better to share it with its community.


1) Setup several Google alerts and monitor them for a few weeks. Include brief comments in your reflective journal, describing the terms you are monitoring and any significant alerts that arise.

I monitored Amazon and Google. After that, there are many interesting things are send to via emails. From one Amazon significant alerts, I discovered Amazon sent out some very confusing emails recently, telling plenty of customers that someone had bought an item off their baby registry. Many of the recipients did not have a baby registry -- let alone a baby gestating or any plans to have or adopt a baby.

From Google latest news, I found Google Home Mini is coming in October 4, 2017. It only costs 49 US dollars and will operate similarly to full-size Google Home, which allows people to check weather, control smart-home gadgets and more.

2) Find a few blogs. Find one that is really good, one that is maybe, and one that is boring (you are not allowed to use my blog for the last!). More importantly though, ask yourself the reason for your opinion. Why good? Why boring? What are the key elements of each? 

Before I study social media marketing this course, I never write blogs. Since I have no idea what is a good blog, I searched good blogs online. Then I found a really good blog is called ' To Work Or Play ' (http://toworkorplay.com/). This blog has strong navigation and good content. It is written by 4 ladies to advertise how to work and enjoy daily lives in London. The homepage is really attractive which leads people to explore more in this blog from two parts--Work & Play. From the navigation bar, it can be seen that audience can know many different parts of interesting and useful things in London, including social events, food, shopping, cosmetics, health tips and travel. The key element is good design and structure with good content.

For maybe blog, I found a guy callec Andrew Bolt's blog (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt). It seems his blogs are professional and full of theories. However, some of his blogs need to pay to view all the content which is annoying. The key element is professional information with extra in-text links.

While a bad blog is ' The dullest blog in the world ' by Dave Walker (http://www.dullestblog.com/). I guess the reason why this blog exists is maybe Dave just wants to show people what a boring blog looks like. All blogs he wrote are small and common things happen almost everyday. He only wrote about 30 words in every blog. The key element is boring and less information. 


Shukle, R. (2015, July 23). How to Cultivate Loyal Customers With Social Media. Retrieved from http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-to-cultivate-loyal-customers-with-social-media/


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